Friday, 18 November 2011

Here's my third image for the Andrew Bannecker style project!

Andrew Bannecker Style!

We've just begun working in the style of Andrew Bannecker, I absolutely adore his work so I'm really really enjoying this project. I'm much more comfortable with Illustrator now I've had lots of practice, and I've already completed two pieces I'm really happy with. We're still in the theme of produce, but now focusing on fish and sealife creatures!

Here are my two completed images I've made so far :)


Sunday, 13 November 2011

Today I felt like using a completely different techinque! I've been using the pen tool in Illustrator 
instead of the usual brush tool in photoshop. I think I do prefer this tool, the lines are crisper and the image in itself is more accurate. Anyway, I found this picture of a peeled banana and traced it using the pen tool.
After this, I filled the shape in with yellow to create a bold, simple shape that I thought looked very effective.

I then created these two images, the left image I added a little more colour to define and add detail to the image, and used a coloured background, much like a Julian Opie piece. On the right I worked more in the style of Michael Craig Martin, as it's bolder, but using darker colours. I really like how they have turned out!